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Covid - 19

Everyone who comes hunting with the OBB has a personal responsibility to minimise the spread of coronavirus and to help protect other followers, landowners and all those the hunt comes into contact with. 


Please make sure that you have read these rules and adhere to them: 


  • All followers must undertake a self-assessment for any Covid-19 symptoms. You should not leave home to participate in any hunting activities if you, or someone in your household, has symptoms of Covid-19. You must continue to follow strict self-isolation for 10 days should you show any symptoms of Covid-19, or 14 days should any member of your household show signs of Covid-19.

  • It is essential that all followers take all reasonable steps to respect Social Distancing guidance at all times – please do not stand in groups of more than six.

  • Please wash your hands before leaving home and subsequently sanitise your hands regularly.

  • Please ensure you bring hand sanitiser and a facemask with you out hunting for use in case you are required in an emergency where social distancing is not possible.

  • Food and drink should not be shared during the hunting day.

  • Individuals living within a local lockdown area must not come out hunting.

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